Wool on Sundays – 159 (Ellen and the Star Dog)


To wool or not to wool…that is a question I have been pondering. Really, the hey day of Wool on Sundays was long ago before I switched from blogger to WordPress and the place for knitters on the web is clearly Ravelry.

But I do find it a convenient way of separating yarn work from sewing on my blog and, more than that, I feel my badge is a sort of memorial to my beautiful small flock of sheep who are no longer with us. And with most of the internet going to great lengths to sell you something or just outright sell you to someone, I have come to the conclusion that maintaining a small, poorly attended linky party once a month is a harmless eccentricity.

So welcome to Rainbow Hare for the first Wool on Sundays of 2019 :)

Fortune favours those who keep their New Year’s resolutions. This is Ellen and Ellen has been getting up early every morning, rain or shine, and going out for a walk. Sometimes she feels sad to be walking always alone but once the sun rises and the birds start singing she says to herself, “This really is the nicest time of day to be out!” And she is determined not to break her resolution.

These days, she has to wrap up warm so she puts on her knitted hat and scarf, her crochet coat and, of course, her knitted, felt-soled boots because nothing, as we all know, is warmer than wool in cold weather.

Today Ellen found a little dog, who had fallen from the stars during the night. He was crying because he didn’t like walking by himself and he had got lost in the snow.

So Ellen is taking him home with her to care for him and, now she will have a companion on her morning walks. If you get up very early, you might meet them in the meadow by the stream or coming through the woods.

And if you look up at the sky on a clear night, you will see Sirius the dog star. He is the part of the constellation Canis Major and you’ll be sure not to miss him because he is the brightest star in the sky. You will see him twinkling and winking to the little Star Dog and you will know that Ellen is waving to him through the window and the little dog is wagging his tail :)

The next Wool on Sundays will be on Sunday March 3rd 2019.

Janine @ Rainbow Hare

(If you subscribe to my blog by email, firstly, thankyou :) Secondly, I really recommend you view the web version because otherwise you end up with a random scramble of photos and I don’t know how to stop that happening).

11 thoughts on “Wool on Sundays – 159 (Ellen and the Star Dog)

  1. Nanette

    I always enjoy reading your Wool on Sundays posts, and usually mean to join in, but then I forget. I love Ellen and her star dog and their sweet story.


  2. Sue W

    I enjoy Wool on Sundays, though I don’t actively take part. I love that there’s a story behind Ellen and the star dog, her outfit is gorgeous and hope it keeps her warm on her walks.


  3. Maria G

    Ellen is beautifully dressed; just right for that winter weather you get! 😉
    I’m thrilled that you are continuing the Wool on Sunday link up; I really look forward to it. I even wrote a WoS post in January without the link.


  4. Kim Sharman

    So happy the well garbed Ellen in her beautifully knitted woollies found a sweet walking companion. Now she and the lost little dog can watch the sun rise…(oh I forgot….it is England in Winter and perhaps the sun won’t get out of bed) and listen to all the little birdies sing. I adore your stories, Janine, and your magical creations!


  5. Pingback: February Furtling – Rainbow Hare

  6. Archie The Wonder Dog

    I love Ellen and Star Dog! I also love Wool on Sundays (although I’m very poor at remembering to link up, perhaps because I’m not really a knitter in the traditional sense) and am thrilled you’re carrying on with them!


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