The Elephant in the Room

May 1st was the second quarterly reveal for The Endeavourers and our theme, this time, was ‘Harmony’.

I struggled to think of anything interesting to do for this theme so I ended up constructing a Fibonacci spiral. So far as I understand it, this construction is used to create a harmonic composition in paintings and you can see see some examples overlayed with an outline of the spiral here. I’m not entirely convinced that features in the paintings aren’t being selected to fit the template but you can see what you think. I wasn’t very enthusiastic about this because it just seemed very boring to me but I was at a bit of a loss to think of anything to do with it without introducing something to disrupt the harmony so I took a photo and posted it on The Endeavourers blog.

Straightaway, the moment I posted, I saw an elephant – here it is trialled with a foil eye and a kitchen towel ear!

Often with my Endeavourers quilts, I’ve thought I might switch them up a bit one day but I never have. This time, though, the quilt seemed very insistent so I cut off the binding and added some more fabric to make it the right size to lay on my desk. Then, between long hours of gardening, I did quite a lot more quilting.

I don’t know if it conveys a sense of harmony or not but I like it a lot better now :)

After literally months of rain, Summer arrived very suddenly with barley a glimpse of Spring but, now, the forecast is all over the place so who knows how long it will last.

Whatever the weather where you are, I hope you are having some sunny days and finding harmony one way or another…

Janine @ Rainbow Hare

(If you subscribe to my blog by email, firstly, thankyou :) Secondly, I really recommend you view the web version because otherwise you end up with a random scramble of photos and I don’t know how to stop that happening).

I am linking this post with Quilting and Learning – What a Combo for Free Motion Mavericks

11 thoughts on “The Elephant in the Room

  1. Eva

    Fantastic work. Love the handquilting and the unique design by your own. The fotoshooting you do is brilliant.

    Elefantastic work! With fabric and in your garden!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. kimsharman7440

    Your elephant quilt is filled with whimsy, Janine, and so sweet. I love how you have mixed the straight machine stitching with the lovely hand quilting on the elephant. You always seem to come up with brilliant interpretations for each theme set by The Endeavourers. I must say, your garden is looking a dream. How lovely it is now that everything is blooming.


  3. Elizabeth E.

    Oh, can I come and sit in your garden? I read all your post, then came back and took a second tour around your flower gardens. Sigh. I could sit at the table and handstitch with you, and I’ll bring the biscuits!

    And I love the idea of the Fibonacci spiral and how it turned into a wonderful little art quilt of an elephant. The quilting gives it dimension and a look of the elephant getting ready to walk on out of the frame–loved this piece. It’s beautiful, Janine. :)


  4. quiltinglearningcombo

    Hi Janine, thanks so much for linking up! There is definitely harmony in the quilt – and isn’t it incredible how, once posted, you saw the elephant (in the room!) Good luck with your gardening. I did a lot on the weekend but it’s crazy hot right now, so inside I go :-)


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